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Cover of book titled Sex, Race, and Class—The Perspective of Winning: A Selection of Writings, 1952–2011

Sex, Race, and Class—The Perspective of Winning: A Selection of Writings, 1952–2011

Selma James

Marcus Rediker

Nina Lopez

In 1972 Selma James set out a new political perspective. Her starting point was the millions of unwaged women who, working in the home and on the land, were not seen as “workers” and their struggles viewed as outside of the class struggle. Based on her political training in the Johnson-Forest Tendency, founded by her late husband C.L.R. James, on movement experience South and North, and on a respectful study of Marx, she redefined the working class to include sectors previously dismissed as “marginal.” For James, the class struggle presents itself as the conflict between the reproduction and survival of the human race, and the domination of the market with its exploitation, wars, and ecological devastation. She sums up her strategy for change as “Invest in Caring not Killing.” This selection, spanning six decades, traces the development of this perspective in the course of building an international campaigning network.

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