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Cover of book titled Last of the Hippies: An Hysterical Romance

Last of the Hippies: An Hysterical Romance

Penny Rimbaud

First published in 1982 as part of the Crass record album Christ: The Album, Penny Rimbaud’s The Last of the Hippies is a fiery anarchist polemic centered on the story of his friend, Phil Russell (aka Wally Hope), who was murdered by the State while incarcerated in a mental institution. Wally Hope was a visionary and a freethinker, whose life had a profound influence on many in the culture of the UK underground and beyond. Wally was arrested and incarcerated in a mental institution after having been found in possession of a small amount of LSD. He was later released, and subsequently died. The official verdict was that Russell committed suicide, although Rimbaud uncovered strong evidence that he was murdered. Rimbaud’s anger over unanswered questions surrounding his friend’s death inspired him to form the anarchist punk band Crass. The Last of the Hippies fast became the seminal text of what was then known as anarcho-punk and which later blossomed into the anti-globalization movement.

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